Gastric and Duodenum Lavage

INDICATION:  Gastric and Duodenum lavages are actually beneficial for gastritis, inadequate population or deficiency of endocrine secretory cells in the secretory process, Cholecystitis, duodenitis, gallbladder dyskinesia, colitis and enterocolitis.

RESULT: metabolism and evacuation of food from stomach to intestines are improved, inflammation of the lining in stomach and duodenum is extinguished and the mucous membrane damaged by inflammatory starts to recover.

Gastric Lavage – 35 GEL
Duodenum Lavage – 40 GEL

Hydro Colonotherapy (Intestinal Lavage With Mineral Water)

INDICATION: The procedure is beneficial for constipation, dysbiosis, excess weight, dermatitis, prostatitis - decrease in potency, infertility, allergic reactions. RESULT: Bacterial flora is normalized, stool is regulated and soft, flatulence reduced, inflammation process slowed down, urination and function of prostates improved, excess weight reduced and etc.

Micro-Enema With Medicinal Herbs And Oils

INDICATION: The procedure is beneficial for proctitis, colitis, and flatulence and has an anti-inflammatory antispasmodic effect.

Gynecological Lavage With Mineral Water

INDICATION: The procedure is beneficial for chronicle endometritis, erosion, menstrual disorders, amenorrhea, vaginit and vulvit. RESULT: inflammation is extinguished and mucous membrane starts to recover.

Manuel Underwater Massage/Mineral Bath

INDICATION: The procedure is beneficial for skeletal system pathologies (pain in joints and muscles), spine injury, osteochondrosis and radiculo-nevrit, climacteric syndrome, metabolism.

RESULT: stimulation of blood circulation, metabolism and trophic, normalization of excess weight Walls of the blood vessels become stiffer recovering their elasticity, swelling is reduced.

Mineral Bath

INDICATION: The procedure is beneficial for heart disease and blood circulation disorders, (heart diseases, coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathy, peripheral vascular diseases and etc.); Central Nervous System Diseases and Inflammation; Musculoskeletal system Diseases (chondropathy, osteopathic dysfunction, periosteal disease); Respiratory diseases (bronchitis); Gynecological diseases; Excess weight; Skin diseases and inflammatory processes; Climax; The easiest form of diabetes mellitus; Thyroid gland disorders; Diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis).

RESULT: Mineral effect on the skin and their absorption through the pores.

Pearl Baths

INDICATION: The procedure is beneficial for posttraumatic aesthenic syndrome, decreased skin elasticity, chronic fatigue, stress, insomnia, metabolism, bone-joints system diseases (arthritis, arthrosis).

RESULT: Skin is enriched with oxygen and is firmed, pain in joints and small back is reduced, output of toxins and waste from your body is enhanced.

Coniferous Bath

INDICATION: The procedure is beneficial for Osteochondrosis, neurodermatitis, upper respiratory system disorders, excess weight. Coniferous extract with a light odor of forest in combination of several mineral products added in the bath has an antibacterial, immediate wound healing, health-improving and aromatherapy effect.

RESULT: Stimulates the processes of cell regeneration, lipid degradation, detoxification, balanced skin thermoregulation with a visible healing effects.

Lavender Bath

INDICATION: The procedure is beneficial for Neurosis, functional disorders of the central nervous system, vein-vascular dystonia, climacteric syndrome, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, insomnia.

RESULT: Positive effect of this procedure is the improvement of blood circulation and rapid pain relief. The scent of lavender calms the nervous system as well.

Wine Bath

Wine bath infused with the beneficial bioactive ingredients is distinguished with the antioxidant effect. It helps to expel toxins and waste from body.

Wine baths boost your immune system, release tension in nervous system and muscles, increase the stiffness of blood vessel, activate blood circulation, nourish skin, reduce cellulite, slow down the aging process and has a rejuvenating effect.

Milk & Lemon Bath

This rich cocktail of vitamins moisturizes and softens the skin, improves skin turgor and elasticity, firms the wrinkles. It deeply cleans the skin and lightens the pigmentation spots. The lemon additionally helps against the cellulite.

Vishy shower

High-velocity turbulent stream of air-enriched water stimulates the lymph and blood circulation, relieves the chronic fatigue and helps against the cellulite. It also improves metabolism and calms the central nervous system.

Ascending Shower

It is a local action shower frequently indicated for urological, gynecological and proctologic diseases. The shower is beneficial for lesser pelvic cavity, increases the stiffness of lesser pelvic wall muscles, has an anti-inflammatory and sedative effects and is recommended when chronic prostatitis, sterility, hemorrhoids, urinary incontinence and other pathologies. The therapeutic effects of this shower include the improvement of skin structure, positively effects on internal organs of the human body. High-velocity stream of water improves metabolic processes in cells and organism, enhances the output of toxins and waste from your body.

The circular shower is recommended for excess weight, insomnia, neurological diseases and other pathologies.

Marine Salt Bath

INDICATION: The procedure is beneficial for  bone-joints system diseases   (arthritis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis),  atherosclerosis, dermatitis, excess weight and cellulite.

RESULT: Marine salt infused with such micro-elements as Bromine, Iron, Iodine, Selenium, and Magnesium actively effects on nerve endings that improves the metabolism.

Iodine-Bromine Baths

Indulge in the therapeutic benefits of our Iodine-Bromine Baths. Rich in healing properties, this relaxing soak allows the ions of iodine and bromine to deeply penetrate your skin, offering targeted relief. Known for their ability to ease muscle tension and skin ailments, these baths provide a rejuvenating experience. Experience immediate wound-healing effects and improved resistance to infections. Regular sessions may alleviate issues like bleeding gums and bad breath, offering a holistic approach to wellness.

Gum Irrigation With Mineral Water

The ions of mineral water deeply penetrate in damaged gums through the direct contact and treat them effectively (i.e. paradontosis).  As soon as the water ions penetrate into blood they spread throughout the body, providing its preventive protection. They have immediate wound healing effect. Body becomes more resistant to infectious diseases.

Repeat this procedure for a few times and you will solve the problem of bleeding gums and bad breath.

Paraffin Therapy

INDICATION: The procedure is beneficial for skeletal system diseases, respiratory diseases and gastroenterological diseases, such as: gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis. Also procedure is beneficial for gynecological, urological, dermatological diseases. This thermal treatment increases body temperature, softens the skin, opens pores, stimulates regenerative processes, relaxes the muscles and strengthens the cellular metabolism.

Inhalation With Mineral Water

The therapeutic effect of this procedure is based on the consistence of mineral water: a lot of useful ingredients quickly absorbed after evaporation. The generated steam instantly passes through the lungs and makes the phlegm thinner, accelerates the process of its expulsion from the body.


The method of this treatment is performed using the natural and artificially created different physical factors (Laser, electric and magnetic field, ultrasound, heat and etc.)

Physiotherapy is successfully used in all medical spheres: surgery, stomatology, gynecology, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, urology, neurology, traumatology, cardiology, pediatrics etc.


Price (GEL):

Electrophoresis 20 
Galvanization 20 
UHF (Ultra High Frequency) 20
Ultrasound / Phonophorez 20
Diadinamia 20
Diathermia 20
Lazer therapy 20
Magnetic therapy 20
Galvanic bath 35
Ozone therapy 60
Pressotherapy-Lymphodrainage 40
Carboxytherapy 40


Medical Massages
Procedure: Price (GEL):
Back and shoulder Massage 95
Massage of upper extremities 50
Head Massage 50
Massage of lower extremities 95
Electrostatic massage
Procedure: Price (GEL):
Deep oscillation one zone 50
Deep oscillation two zones 80
Deep oscillation on three zones 110
Procedure: Price (GEL):
Full research of the abdominal cavity 70
Ultrasonography of duodenum 40
Urogenital research 40
Ginecological research 40
Laboratory Tests
Procedure: Price (GEL):
Glycated hemoglobin 30
General blood analysis 25
General urine analysis 25
Glucose 15
Prothrombin, INR 25
Blood group / Rh factor 25
Helicobacter pylori test   40
Rheumatizm test   25
Liver function (full) 65
Determination of blood electrolytes Na, K, Ca, P, Mg, Fe 35
Lipid metabolism  25
Renal function  (Creatinine, Urea  / blood, urine)  40
Coagulogram 30
HIV  20
Hepatitis B 25
Hepatitis C 25
Syphilis 25
Gastric juice acidity research   25
Definition of duodenal contents 25
General Fecal analysis 25
Fecal occult blood test 25
Fecal analysis on helminth eggs 25
Amilaze 25
Vaginal Test 25
D-dimer 60
Infusion 30
Consultation: Price (GEL):
Doctor Therapist Consultation 50
Doctor Endocrinologist Consultation 50
Doctor Gynecologist Consultation 50
Doctor Pediatrist 50
Doctor Gastroenterologist Consultation 50
Doctor Cardiologist Consultation 50
Doctor Urologist Consultation 50